Tiba2 terfikir ttg tajuk ni since one of my friends yg deeply down meluahkn perasaan stress dia kt his fb. Lps tu dia ckp sikap dia tu poyo je. For me, tk slh utk dia meluahkn perasaan kt fb, better dari simpan dan stress sorg2.
Hrmm...sebut pasal poyo, bila sy reflect (muhasabah) blk, perlu juga sikap tu terutamanya utk project engineer mcm sy. Poyo jika sy blh terjemahkn maksudnya 'over'. Sometimes kita perlu poyo in doing our tasks. Buat benda yg org lain tk terfikir utk buat. Cthnya poyo in checking in details, poyo in asking too many questions, poyo in pushing contractors, poyo in dealing with peoples in order to build their trust and confidence.
Kita sometimes terlalu fikir apa yg org lain akn kata/pandang kpd setiap tindakan kita. Kalo tnye soalan byk2, query contractors byk2, takut contractors ckp "Bodohnya engineer ni or poyo (over) nye engineer ni". Perasaan ini yg saya selalu rasa sbb sy dibesarkn utk terlalu memikirkn pndangan org....rasanya itu culture yg perlu kita ubah dlm masyarakat kita.
End up, we keep something to ourselves and we did not learn anything from that project/task because we pretend to know what we dont know. Sikap buat 'dek' ini bukan syarikat P je yg rugi, contractors pun rugi sbb they also did not improve in term of their services because we as client did not query much, didnt complain much. Thus, both syarikat P and contractors will be no development in term of products and working culture years by years.
Cuma contractors if they lucky, they will untung in term of money becoz they will charge more for last minutes changes, project delay and etc. However, is money is everything? Money is not everything, duit yg haram akan dijudge oleh Allah diakhirat nnti. Jd, we regardless of who, we need to improve our working culture and we need to teach each other the correct working culture. Come on Gen Y, we are agent of change for the world betterment..:).
Malu tidak bertempat itu dilarang dlm Islam. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri menggalakkan para sahabat/sahabiahnya bertanyakn soalan walaupun soalan2 itu bersifat peribadi seperti ttg haid dan sebagainya. Jadi, blhla kita utk bersikap poyo (over) sdikit in order to get our work done. Sometimes if kita tk poyo, org tk rasa our urgency...:). Mungkin sy blh katakn di sini, kita dibyr gaji utk bersikap poyo...hehe.
Poyo is one of the good attitude in pursuing the changes.