Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hijrah kerja (Part 1)


Setelah 4-5 hari pening nk pilih rumah, akhirnya kami memilih untuk menetap di Dungun. 40 minit jauh dari tempat kerja. Nasib baikla sy telah mengikuti tarbiyyah semasa di Miri, jd sikap sabar ada la juga bersemai di jiwa. Sebenarnya, adik saya yg nasihatkn supaya sy memilih Dungun as compared to Kemaman since rumah2 di Kerteh dan Paka fully occupied.

Alhamdulillah, saya semakin suka dgn gerak hati saya untuk mengikut saranan adik saya untuk memilih Dungun kerana rumah di Dungun ni dekat dgn surau, mmg dpt dgr kuliah Maghrib dari rumah walaupun kurang jelas butir perbicaraannya. Kedua ialah Dungun lubuk d&t, byk ipt/sekolah. Plan sy utk drive long journey everyday ialah dgr radio, ceramah and etc.

Hrmm....rumah ini ada halaman, blh tanam pokok2 bunga nnti...:). Yeay.

Btw, peralatan rumah saya kali ni agak cantik sbb Mek yg beli dgn adik saya kt Mesra Mall Kerteh. Sy tk involve since diorg pergi waktu office hour untuk jimatkn masa.Mek saya mmg seorg yg berjiwa seni dan bercitarasa tinggi. Bukan mcm saya....asalkn ada je.

Yg paling byk berjasa tentulah my dear bro, adik lan. Tlg drive pergi balik kerja everyday, tlg jaga mek waktu sy pergi kerja, tlg bli brg2, tlg cari rumah, tlg mop/basuh lantai rumah and etc.

Stakat itu sj, sy perlu tido esk nk g kerja awal. Jam 7 pg.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Belajar dari Chik dan Adikku


Hari ni saya belajar something dari makcik saya dan adik saya which is dont be stingy and show your loves to people that you loves. Today, I have visited my aunt (Chik) and she gave me a big packet of biscuit from her shop when I want to go back home. I am so appreciate her gift because her monthly earns is very less than mine but she willing to give to other. Thats why she is still strong and happy in her 72 years old age because her heart is generous.

My brother got some allowance from goverment today because of election campaign from goverment. He has used that money to buy a lot of favorite foods for his siblings. i.e. Soup, ice-cream, breads & nuggets. Now, i realized that my brother is a person that does not worry on money that he does not own, on how less his money become. He is a person that want to make others happy with what he noble is the heart of my little brother although he is jobless for the time being.

A daie, i think should adopt this behavior. Dont be stingy with other and make other happy. I should learn this skill.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kursus Umrah at Megan Avenue

Alhamdulillah, arini sy, mek, Cinet dan Mkcik Ena pergi kursus umrah. Insyaallah, kalau tidak ada aral melintang, kami akn bertolak pd 11feb ni dgn flight Eagle Express. Moga tercapai niat saya untk melihat Makkah dan Madinah dan niat untuk membawa bonda tercinta ke sana sebagai tanda kasih sayang/terima kasih kpdnya.

Hrm...Mek saya kata ustaz yg bg kursus td best. Penerangannya ceria dan mudah difahami. Nama beliau Ustaz Wahyu Hidayat. Btw, kami memilih Kopetro sbg Travel Agent kami.

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