Ya Allah...jadikanlah hamba-Mu ini wanita solehah yang hidup mulia di jalan-Mu atau mati syahid di jalan-Mu
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Pohon tomato Cameron Highlands...:) |
Get out from your comfort zone. Be in your scare in driving at uncommon place, your scarce to talk in front of people,your scarce to be different or to have different opinion.
My boss reminded me b4 my trip to Kuantan, "When you speak, you need to speak confidently. Ignore your scariness or your inner feeling of inconfident. You need to ensure people confident with your statement. Dont go back and forth (jgn keluk klek)". Ok boss....that very inspiring advice.
Everytime my voice went unclear or my tongue went berbelit2, i fastly will recall my boss statement above and i will said to myself, "Come on, you are not doing bad things, you are not open your aurat. In fact you are doing good things, you just presenting your idea". Thus, my crooked tongue goes straight again and my heartbeat start to calm down and i can speak better..:)
One more things that i learnt from previous trip which is learn to be patient. During the meeting, the subject that related to my discipline was not discussed due to minor scopes. I felt would like to go back...but come on it is kuantan not kerteh. I cannot simply go back. Jd saya fikir situasi bos2. Kalo sesuatu perkara yg tk related ngn kerja dia, bos2 msh sabar mendengar.
Btw, i also did a few of networking with DD and offshore personnel.
Sorry...i'm not that good to be your student. I might upset you teacher and i dont know what to answer when you seek for answer.
All the best teacher...i would like to see you success. I am cannot because i am not the right person for the engineering knowledge. I would like to learn slowly and find my own rythm in studying. I dont mind if i cannot progress faster.
Kenapa emo ni mlm ni....sedih sbb kena pergi offshore ke??...huhu.
Tk baik emo...remember Allah is always with you.
Sy jarang tulis sometimes yg agak peribadi seperti baju baru, tapi hari ni mcm rasa ada kepentingan utk share. Mungkin sbg catatan untuk diri sendiri....sbb mlm ni tk brapa rajin nk tulis kt diary. Recently....sy agak boros shopping utk pakaian terutama sejak bekerja di semenanjung. Mungkin sbb baju saya byk yg dh lama dan nmpk lusuh sedikit....it is time for new clothes. Beli baju baru ok if within budget dan dipakai....ada kalanya saya bli...tp sbb in rush dan tk try betul2, baju tu tk sesuai size....akhirnya baju tu terperuk dlm almari.
Jadi untuk bulan ni...tk boleh bli baju, kasut, handbag, skirt atau tudung lagi....kna tunggu bulan dpn plak. Kalo nk bli seluar je blh sbb td baru chit chat ngn my colleague, Puan Lin. Dia ckp everyday dia kna pergi ksb next week utk check testing swlp. Bila dia ckp ksb, sy terus imagine pakai seluar dan blause. Sy plak tkde sluar pnjg sgt sbb byk skirt panjang. Jadi in case sy kna pergi ksb...sy berkenan nk tmbh 2 helai lg sluar panjang supaya blh buat bergilir. Walaupun, sy tk brapa suka pergi ksb...tp kalo kna pergi, kenalah pakai pakaian yg sesuai dgn situasi dan tmpt.
Sbg seorg yg bekerja di pejabat yg ramai org, sy rasa menjaga penampilan itu perlu supaya nmpk kemas di mata sendiri dan di mata yg memandang. This will create nice environment.
Ada ayat Quran yg lbh kurang menyebut, "Pakaian yg plg indah ialah pakaian takwa".