Hatinya bergegar bila mendengar amarah itu…..sepanjang
meeting terfikir2 tentang perkara itu. Cuba berfikiran positif yang rakan
sekerja lelaki itu bertegas supaya kerja jalan. Namun hatinya tetap pecah
berkeping-keping seperti gelas yang dihempas ke lantai. Berfikir sepanjang hari
bagaimana utk bertemu muka dgn rakan sekerja itu di masa hadapan….sungguh dia
tidak bersedia. Bukan dia tidak menyukai rakan sekerja itu cuma dia segan
kerana peristiwa itu.
She think that guy is a good guy and helpful....but quite garang. Mungkin that guy pun menyesal because unintentionally burst his angriness to a woman this morning. Tapi a guy susah nk minta maaf. She know she is not good in managing that job...but she hope that guy will ask for forgiveness for raising voice towards her.
Setiap orang berbeza…..nmpaknya perempuan itu sgt sensitive……pemendam.
The weekends is coming, hopefully she can cool down and
happy throughout the weekends and become neutral again.
Whatever is it, she will pretend that thing not happen and communicate as good friend as per before.
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