Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tips for Electrical Maintenance Engineer for Oil & Gas company

Salam all,

I discovered new tips today..:) Would like to share with all of you. The art of working life is communication skill. Thus, you must learn how to deliver your message/idea/intention effectively. A practical example that I did today is I emailed OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) at my new working place and asked them to share with me the namelist of electrician.

One mistake that I did at my old workplace is I did not know the electrician (may be due to previously i was in project dept). Thus, as maintenance engineer that station in office, I need to closely communicate with technician at site thru email/phone. The objective is to build better teamwork + i will know their activity at offshore. It will be easier for me to put work program budget and to plan maintenance activity.

Thats all for this moments, more tips to come in future....:)


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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tips pindah rumah


One mistake yg saya buat masa nk pindah dari Miri ke Kerteh ialah saya tk bawa peralatan memasak together naik flite ngn saya. Sebaliknya, brg2 tersebut dipacking masuk kontena. Kontena ni plak lmbt smpai. Sepatutnya, brg2 asas memasak spt rice cooker, kettle, mug, pinggan, mangkuk, pisau, chopping board, sudu, garpu saya packing dlm satu kotak then buat flite check-in. Ni saya terbalik, angkut semua baju2 yg tk perlu. Nasib baik, sy bwk balik iron tempohari..:)

Oleh kerana, brg2 tu saya tk blk, jd sy pergi bli yg baru smlm...abis jgkla duit saya. So, if ada kwn2 yg nk pindah, consider utk bwk peralatan memasak sket2 k.

Update blog semasa tgh dgr kuliah zuhur di office. Office di kerteh ni sgt selesa + islamik. Alhamdulillah...syukur.

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